
One Dimensional Man

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This song was made back in 2014 or so. It was inspired by the wonderful short story “Flatland” by Edwin Abbot, but is also named after a book One Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse.


One Dimensional Man,
One Dimensional Man,
He can’t do much but he does what he can,
One Dimensional Man.

One Dimensional Man,
One Dimensional Man,
Life is bland when you’re only a strand,
One Dimensional Man.

Two Dimensional Man.
Two Dimensional Man.
Life in an architectural plan,
Two Dimensional Man.
Two Dimensional Man
Two Dimensional Man
Restricted to left right up and down,
that’s Two Dimensional Man

But in three dimensions you can dance and swoop and pick a lovely flower.
In three dimensions you sing to pass the hour.

One Dimensional Man,
One Dimensional Man,
You can talk about tennis but he won’t understand,
One Dimensional Man.
One Dimensional Man,
One Dimensional Man,
He’s a slave to time, living life of the line,
One Dimensional Man.

Two Dimensional Man
Two Dimensional Man
Looks like he’s been splatted with a frying pan,
Two Dimensional Man

But in three dimensions, you can laugh and joke and stroke a lover’s hair.
In three dimensions, there’s always space to spare.

Four dimensional man,
Four Dimensional Man!
Doctor who and… Peter Pan…,
Four Dimensional Man.

Five Dimensional Man!
Six Dimensional Man!
Seven, eight, nine, ten,
dance like that if you can!